
Do you want to join me in a little Meditation?

Come sit with me and enjoy the benefit of meditation for centuries and enthused about the benefits regular mediation can make to your health and well being. It’s about so much more than relaxation. This may surprise you, it’s about control. In thi...

The Art of Illumination

Does a small flame flicker inside you? Do you feel you have a purpose in life not being fulfilled? The art of illumination, because my dearest it is an art, is to take note of that tiny flame to breathe long and slow into it. Sit still and see if ...

Do you want to join me in a little Meditation?

Come sit with me and enjoy the benefit of meditation for centuries and enthused about the benefits regular mediation can make to your health and well being. It’s about so much more than relaxation. This may surprise you, it’s about control. In thi...

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