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What My Business Does

✨Supporting you as you awaken and realise the miracle of LOVE and LIGHT that you are 💓

I point people towards enquiring about their own true identity, who they really are rather who they have been shaped into by their life experience.

This ancient practise of self enquiry is based on the ancient Advaita tradition of “knowledge of self “or “I am”. Through connecting to my own authenticity I am able share this transformational knowledge in a playful and loving way with others.

I have been sharing this knowledge and offering  healing sessions since 2007.  As I have become more aligned with my own authenticity, I know my own soul purpose is to introduce these teaching to all those who feel drawn to find out more.

My company vision is to share this information globally with anyone who wishes to be fully acquainted with their true self.


Meet Moragji who's soul purpose in life is to support you as you AWAKEN and realise the miracle of Love and Light that you are.

I have worked in the past on a trading floor in the City (London) and in the aquatic world of scuba diving. For many years I have been a healer, teacher, therapeutic counsellor, and now have naturally moved into teaching and supporting people on the path to awakening.

My Celtic roots would describe me as an Anamchara or "Soul friend".

Soul work or supporting clients connecting with their authentic self has always felt like what I was born to do in this lifetime. I came across the Celtic term Anamchara a few years ago and it really resonated with me. I suddenly knew my soul purpose.

I would describe myself as a Spiritual Traveller as I love travelling. I have been inspired and taught within many traditions of healing that have helped me make the most of the natural gifts that I was born with.

Some say that your core personality is formed between the ages of one and seven. Well if that's the case I spent the first seven years of my life living on the edge of the Malaysian jungle. I would toddle off in the morning and be cared for by whoever was around. I am sure this amazing start in life has given me the curiosity and openness to everything the world has to offer.

"There is a Light that shines beyond all things is earth, beyond us all, beyond the very highest heavens this is the light that shines in our hearts – Chandoyga Upanished “