
Sound Bath Healing Journeys

Sessions Start from £60 for 60 minutes

For nearly 20 years I have worked as a transformational healer gently nurturing my clients on the path of soul awakening. I offer Sound Healing in Deal Kent and have clients from near and far who travel to me for these transformational sessions.

Sound Healing was recently featured on the UK Television Show Good Morning as a very effective  holistic therapy to support deep relaxation.

 What happens in a sound Healing Session?

Sound Healing is a holistic using different singing bowls that resonate at different frequencies helping your mind and body relax and often will take my clients to a mediative state.

I use both the ancient Tibetan Bowl and modern Quartz Crystal Bowls to lead you gently home to your heart. When you are in a relaxed state you will shift back into the alignment.

For me being awakened is about feeling relaxed, being in alignment and moving gently and gracefully through each day.

Working with love and compassion I hold space for those your sensitive spots, so they feel safe to be seen. There is no forcing, only allowing your spirit to come forth and lead the way home to your heart. Your blocks are there to be curious about, not to be judged. By gently shifting you into alignment you will feel more vibrant and happier and be able to access the most beautiful and gifted parts of you.

I learnt through my own sound healing experiences how powerful releasing residual tension lurking in the musculature of the body was. How it opened me up to the possibility of receiving life fully with each breath, so I started to feel free and say yes to life.

My Unique Sound Journeys

I share unique and personalised chanelled journeys, embracing therapeutic vibrational sound with crystal and Tibetan bowls for deep relaxation and balancing.

Life is our teacher and growth is not possible without change.

Choose from various journeys of awakening back to the soul. Each Journey is a mix of sound, energy work and therapeutic sharing:

  • Living Life Alive
  • Transformation Rainbow Path
  • Regenerate Rejuvenate & Revitalise
  • Mystical Path of Sound
  • Space to Thrive
  • Wild & Divine
  • Wellness & Energy Balancing
  • Immersion into Clarity

I have written a brief description of each journey so you can feel into what resonates with you. All journeys of Awakening bring Clarity, Inner Peace, Restorative Potential, Serenity, Transformation and Renewed Vitality and Vibrancy.

Living Life Alive

This journey is for those of you seeking optimal vitality and sparkle, an aspiration to feel fully alive plugging back into the life force that sustains and nourishes you. Within this journey you learn about celebrating harmony in your everyday life.

Discover the relationship between body, mind and soul and find your Bliss.

Session Length 3 hours

Cost £159

Transformation Rainbow Path

Are you ready to make a deep commitment to transformation? Journey into the vison of your authentic soul self. Connect and experience your core energy centres and expand awareness into your soul. Journey to the sacred and divine space within you.

Session Length 3 hours

Cost £159

Regenerate Rejuvenate & Revitalise

This journey is designed to furnish you with a new life map, redefining defeatist ways of thinking, creating clear boundaries to support your health and understand your Relationship with Food using body awareness as a tool for transformation. A journey into well-being to support you in re-establishing an experience of joy and freedom, whilst living life with deeper awareness, feeling a radiance of deep caring for your Self and others This journey will flood your cells with new life and vibrancy.

Session Length 3 hours

Cost £159

“Just wanted to share of my amazing healing sessions with Morag and her Tibetan & Crystal Bowls – truly something to be experienced! I relaxed bathed in beautiful sounds resonating all around and through me and as the vibrations moved through my body, I felt the deeper tensions being released and the healing process continues long after the session has ended” ~ Kyle London 

Mystical Path of Sound

This awakening journey into the alchemy of sound evokes waves of delight transporting you into an ocean of bliss, evoking conscious core transformation. Sound generates a positive resonance in body and mind, healing attitudes and memories. This journey enhances a release of sluggish and hindered energy flows within the body, disentangling you from unconscious blockages. The atmosphere allows the mystery of the inner sound to be revealed, opening portals to intuition, body wisdom, creativity and inner sight. Your journey will embrace times of inner Silence and Supportive Guidance. A profound unique and empowering experience.

Session Length: 4 hours

Cost £212

“Between us and with your steady hand of guidance I am beginning to emerge as the strong woman I really am, I can taste it, feel it, smell it and I know I want it!” – Vanessa

Wild & Divine

This journey of awakening is about weaving a vibrant life tapestry! A journey into releasing the secret power of your deepest wounds. Feeling into ecstatic release to the primordial core of your sacredness. Stretch into your bliss, beauty and empowerment. Open into your Loveship with your soul self through this Inner Quest Intensive Shiva/Shakti Initiatory journey.

Session Length 4 hours

Cost £212

“Thank you for an amazing experience and for all your kindness” – Gail

Immersion into Clarity

Create the life you deserve to live. If you are finding yourself at one of life’s crossroads, this journey encourages time for giving voice to any difficulties or problems you are facing

Offering a path to harmony from any grief or distress you might be experiencing in your life right now. This journey will enhance clarity of mind, eradicating the stories that no longer serve your best choices. A journey into inner realms of magic and mystery through sound, guided imagery, and affirmations creating clarity. A gentle stepping through into your inner world of myth and story. Dis-entangling from the clutches of stress and anxiety, relaxing into a blissful state of simplicity and uncluttered communion with your Self. This is the gentle way, the Relaxed Journey into Bliss.

Session Length: 2 hours

Cost £106

Treating yourself to a journey allows you to enter into an experience with a qualified holistic therapist, bringing a treasure trove of training and life experience married with a unique commitment to heart and soul integration

A Short Journey

A Short Journey of an hour for those of you who want to paddle in the shallows before making the more empowered commitment to a Journey of Awakening.

Session Length: 1 hours

Cost £60

“your love and support over the years has smoothed my path so much… truly love u xxx” – Sharon

” Thank you for the great session. I really feel I can move forward with things. You really are brilliant!”~ Jesse

“Thanks a million Morag I feel brilliant and had the most amazing time” ~Denise

“Grateful thanks for all you did, I am aware that there is a huge shift or change, ” ~ ~ Elizabeth

“Morag what can I say apart from how great I feel after our session today! You are an amazing being and I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me today.Your nonjudgement and wisdom made me feel safe and open enough to share things that I have not done with anybody.

Thank you for helping me connect again with the light in myself and in others which had dimmed over time. You are truly an angel in a human body disguise.
with love and most importantly gratitude” ~ Sophia

Remote Guided Meditation Kent