
Celestial Healing

£90 for 90 Minutes

Deep healing is the foundation of self-love. The concept of self-love is often thought of as being self-centred, but this is an untruth. The more we love ourselves the more we become a vessel of love, so we can deeply care for others. From this place of love, you will connect to your own Divine Essence


These sessions will support you in feeling harmonised or “more in tune “with yourself. Creating a deeper connection to your soul self by bringing full awareness to your thoughts and emotions.


Each session consists of three parts:


We will initially connect via phone or video to clarify, how you are feeling and what is creating a feeling of disharmony for you. We can discuss any hurts or worries you have and together we will set an intention for the session.


After our brief connection I will attune with you and work to create balance and harmony for you as the main part of your session.


I will then share my insights with you by either email or text depending on your preference.


These session work at a very deep level and are transformational. Common reasons clients book a session with me is to get the root of challenges like; why they are stuck in certain patterning? Or keep attracting similar people or situations into their life.


But anytime you feel uncertain around any aspect of your life these sessions can support you.


Multiple exposure of a young woman feeling gratitude for nature and good health


Blue sky over water


The insights I gain for you will support you in harmonising your energies and thoughts and bringing you to a place of balance. 

The standard length of these sessions is 90 minutes long but if you feel you would like a longer session then this can be arranged.


I work from a deep mediative state during these sessions, channelling to bring awareness to the whatever is causing disharmony for you, sometimes I will feel drawn to use oracle and tarot cards but not for all sessions.


Sessions are a very beautiful and gentle way of healing which can bring amazing shifts in your life giving you with a sense of peace and wellbeing.


I am qualified as a Master Energy Healer, Magdalen High Priestess, Mediation Teacher and Holistic Therapist. I have also learnt much from the many Spiritual Teachers and Mystics I have connected with around the world. With 20 years of experience walking my own spiritual path, I have walked through many dark nights of the soul and felt the bliss of being held by grace as I moved through my own deep healing and transformation.


“Morag is a powerful catalyst for soul growth and healing. She will guide you to whatever it takes to overcome your blocks in healing your soul. When you get a healing or reading with her it integrates into your own power empowering you to move through your blocks and future blocks. It doesn’t end with the session you somehow can now begin to call your own power home. A true master will always direct you back to yourself. Thankyou Morag, for showing me the way home. I am eternally grateful” ~ Rebecca


Sessions last for 90 minutes and cost £90. All sessions are prepaid.


Blue sky over water